Vertical clamps are clamping elements that clamp in a vertical position. Thus vertical clamps are well suited for use in fixtures to perform clamping tasks. Because vertical clamps must also be robust, they are made of steel or stainless steel.
A vertical clamp is the opposite of a horizontal clamp. Especially the construction and the function are of increasing interest to many people who deal with technical components or agreements. Whether in the commercial or private sector, more and more vertical clamps are being used. Of course, the integration of such manual clamping elements is not without reason, and so these elements have become firmly established over the last few years, especially in the industrial sector. All clamping activities that have to be carried out in a vertical position can be easily carried out with vertical clamps as an optimal clamping element. But one thing at a time. In this chapter, let us explain all about the exact function or mode of operation of vertical clamps, as well as the materials used. At the same time, we would like to take a closer look at the subject of stock-keeping and availability, and as a final point, we would like to go into the manufacture or production of such clamping elements in more detail. We would like to start again with the construction of vertical clamps and the mode of operation. But why is a vertical clamp actually called a vertical clamp, or how is this expression or designation determined. The term refers to the fact that a clamping process is always carried out in a vertical direction towards the mounting surface of the base frame. In this specific case, the direction of clamping is in a vertical, i.e. vertical, position in relation to the base or mounting surface. The clamping lever moves in the direction of the base surface of the clamp. These types of clamps are usually the toggle lever clamps, which perform a rotating clamping action via a joint and at the end provide vertical securing. Thus, these clamping units can be used to perform complex clamping tasks on parts and workpieces that are always in the focus of a vertical clamping force. The basic material of such vertical clamps is always steel. As a rule, these are provided with a surface protection layer in order to push back any possible corrosion as far as possible. It cannot be completely prevented if the elements are installed in damp applications. Stainless steel alloys are usually used as upright clamps. These are the V2A and also the V4A. As a rule, the stainless steel V2A is completely sufficient if the application is only in connection with normal drinking water. However, if the vertical clamps are to be installed on a boat or on the high seas, where direct contact with salt water cannot be avoided, or for use in the chemical industry, the stainless steel V4A should always be used.
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Especially in the industrial sector, vertical clamps have gained an important place, where the fields of application have become almost limitless. Especially these clamping units, which allow a vertical clamping direction, i.e. a clamping direction from above, are ideal clamping elements to force a workpiece or a component to a temporary storage security. Especially in fixture construction vertical clamps are indispensable. The manual operating elements can be closed and reopened quickly and easily once they have passed the dead centre by applying a short, low force. The self-locking mechanism can thus be used optionally. The demand for vertical clamping elements has increased considerably and we decided some time ago to include a large range of vertical clamps in our stock range so that the demand of the industry, even in large quantities, can be met at any time. Thus we offer with our domain, all customers from Germany and the rest of Europe the possibility to buy your vertical clamps quickly and promptly through our online shop. This makes a purchase independent of time and our products can be accessed 24 hours. So that the shopping can run off also surely, the topic security was not strange to us and we have and thought, how we can arrange the Domain including your deposited data still more surely. We then converted the entire domain to the secure SSL certificate and thus created an encrypted veriante of the data. Now an access or a tap is not so easy anymore. Let us also briefly explain what the actual order process is, so that you can understand in a few steps how an optimal process should work. If you are reading this text here, you are in the right place if you are looking for vertical clamps made of steel or stainless steel. Now take your time to look around this area and if you have found what you are looking for, simply add the required clamps to your shopping cart in the quantity you require. In the connection process you can directly open a login area to store all the necessary data. This is your delivery address and your billing address. In the next step, if you would like to complete the order process, simply follow the shopping cart instructions. After a few steps you will see an area that shows you the payment options from which you can choose the ones that are best for you. Afterwards, carry out the payment and finish the order of your vertical clamps. You will also receive an order confirmation with all further information. Now we can also assemble your goods in our warehouse and ship them to you.
The production of vertical clamps
This and the last article will deal with the pure production of vertical clamps made of metal, i.e. steel or stainless steel, and how these can be produced in the individual parts in the different manufacturing processes. A complete vertical clamp consists of a base body, a bridge lever and a clamping lever as well as a manual operating lever, as in this example a rocker arm clamp. All parts are sheet metal stampings or laser parts that can be produced on a laser machine. So that the shape of the individual sheet metal parts can also be adjusted, these operations are performed by so-called sheet metal bending or forming machines. In order to produce a vertical clamp, all parts must be cut out of a sheet metal plate and then bent into the corresponding shape using an edging bench or forming machine. The basic body always has a few fixing holes, which later allow a quick screw connection to a component or a base plate. Once all these individual parts have been laser-cut and bent and enough individual parts have been produced, they can be assembled to form a finished vertical clamp in the final assembly. The clamping lever or the clamping lever is attached to the base body in a pivoted manner. The manual clamping lever is also attached to the base body by a small bolt. Now the bridge link between the clamping lever and the manual clamping lever is used as a connecting element. All bolts that serve as pivots are firmly riveted by a riveting process so that no bolts can fall out. The cap on the end control unit is made of plastic and is manufactured by a dipping process. There is a blank which has the shape of the manual clamping lever and this is dipped in a liquid plastic solution. After cooling the cap will be solid. This can then be put over the manual control element. The metal vertical tensioner is finished. If enough of such clamping elements are produced and manufactured, they can be stored in our warehouse. If we receive an online order from you, we can promptly pack the purchased vertical clamps and ship them to you. After a few days the ordered goods should arrive at your premises so that the clamps can be screwed to your component and can start working.
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