Push Rod Clamps

Push rod clamps are tensioned or released via a draw rod. Thus, a push rod clamp can be used well in fixture construction due to the linear guidance. Such push rod clamps are thus made of steel or stainless steel.

1. Push rod clamps
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3. The production of push rod clamps
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What is the difference between a push rod clamp and a toggle lever clamp? This question is asked by many engineers or even hobby designers, who have of course heard the name push rod clamp, but do not know exactly how these manual clamping elements work. In this article we would like to give you a little more information about the subject of push rod clamps and answer all your questions. We will also go into the assembly of the elements, as well as the exact mode of operation of push rod clamps and also the materials used for push rod clamps. Furthermore, we also deal with the subject of our stock-keeping and also in the last section the production of such parts. We would like to start with the difference between a push rod clamp and a toggle lever clamp. The push rod clamp works exclusively via a linear push rod, which follows a straight and linear movement in a guided housing. In contrast to a toggle lever clamp, which can only perform a clamping movement via a lever. However, this means that there is a pivot point and no linear or axial movement. In many applications, especially when clamping certain tools, the industry requires exclusively linear axis movements, as these are often easier to position. Let us now come to the design of such a push rod clamp. This also requires a carrier element again, in that the bores are holes that allow the clamp to be attached to a component. In this carrier element, the guide bores with the slide bushings are located in the horizontal arrangement, which must accommodate the push rod made of metal, steel or stainless steel. Behind this push rod element is the bridge connector which is connected to the manual clamping lever via a joint or bolt. If the manual clamping lever is now pushed forward, the push rod, which is attached to the hand lever in connection with the bridge connector, is extended. If the hand lever is now pushed further and further forward, the force generated pressing against the push rod becomes greater and greater and the moment of force acting on the hand lever can become weaker and weaker. If all hinge points lie on one axis, no more force is applied to the hand lever. The push rod is designed with the counteracting force exclusively on the pivot points. If now the line of the pivot points of all joints is exceeded, the hand lever blocks, as it now presses against a fixed stop and the push rod can no longer be pushed backwards. The forces now cancel each other out. To release the hand lever, only a very small force must be applied, even if a large force is applied to the push rod clamps. At the head of the push rod tensioner there is usually a rubber head, which is adjustable by a thread. The materials used for push rod clamps are almost exclusively metal, i.e. steel or stainless steel in two different alloys. V2A and also V4A are the two stainless steel alloys.

Our delivery program of push rod clamps - buy online in our online shop

Push rod clamps stainless steel V2A V4AEspecially the industry needs more and more of this push rod clamp, because the function and the mode of operation are optimal for many applications, because the axial push rod force can be applied optimally and linearly to a clamping component without creating tensions. For this reason, the demand for these manual clamping elements has become more and more intense and has to be constantly met by online shops on a larger scale. For this reason, we decided some time ago to include the push rod clamps in our product range in order to meet the increasing demand of the industry. There are different versions of these elements, which we would like to keep ready for you to buy in our online shop. Through our domain we offer our customers from Germany and the rest of Europe the possibility to buy your push rod clamps quickly and promptly through our online shop. So that this purchase can run off also surely, the topic security is not strange to us and thus we have thought to increase the security in our on-line Shop further, so that all your data, which were deposited with us, are also really safe. We have converted the entire domain to the secure SSL encryption principle, so that access by third parties is no longer possible. Let us also say a few words about how an order should be processed in the best possible way so that the order process can be completed quickly. At the moment you are in the right category of push rod clamps, where you can assemble all your products in the quantity you want. Once you have decided what you want to buy, simply place the products in the waiting basket. In the following step, you will now set up your customer account or your guest account in our shop system. Thereby you open a login area and store all your data. If you now want to pay for the goods and check out, simply follow the further instructions of the template in the shop while logged in. After a few clicks you will be offered to pay for your push rod clamps. Now pay the amount and afterwards you will receive an automatic follow-up mail from us, which contains all information about your order. If the payment was successful, we will send the goods to your delivery address. After a few days you should receive the push rod clamps and you can install them on your equipment.

The production of push rod clamps

Push rod clamps stainless steel V2A V4AThe last article will deal solely with the production of push rod clamps made of metal, i.e. steel or stainless steel. In the previous article we have already successfully explained how push rod clamps work, so that we would like to give you an understanding of the production of these important manual clamping elements. For all those who are also interested in this topic, now comes at your expense. We would like to start again with the single items. The push rod clamp has a base plate, a push rod and a bridge fork made of sheet metal as well as a hand lever element, which makes it possible to soak up the soaking by your hand force. The push rod is made of either steel or stainless steel and is a pure turned part. So for this production always a lathe is used, which has a connected loader. Once the loader is equipped with the raw material, production can begin. The raw material is fed into the machine and the hole and thread are drilled. Now the bolt can be cut off in order to make the milling for the bridge fork and the joint bore on this side. When producing the base plate, which is a casting, it is used in a wax-loss process. A negative mould is created from the base plate which must be made of wax. Once this is finished, the process can continue and the mould is dipped into a sludge solution, which is then burnt out in a furnace. Thereby the cover of sludge becomes serh hard and the wax evaporates. The shell can then be filled with liquid steel or stainless steel. When everything is cold, the casting can be removed and then the holes can be drilled where the bushings for the push rod are inserted. When all finishing steps are completed, the bridge lever and the operating lever of the push rod tensioner can be produced by a punching process. Once all parts are finished, they can be assembled to a functional push rod clamp and then stored for you in our casual storage. If we receive an order from you, the goods will be packed and shipped to you promptly. After a few days the delivery should arrive with the purchased push rod clamps and can be installed.

Similar websites around the topic push rod clamps

  1. http://de.dictindustry.com/englisch-deutsch/schubstangenspanner
  2. https://www.linguee.com/german-english/translation/schnellspanner.html-Schubstangenspanner
  3. https://www.linguee.de/deutsch-englisch/uebersetzung/schnellspanner.html-Schubstangenspanner
  4. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Toggle-clamp_manual_push-pull_3D_animated.gif-Schubstangenspanner
  5. https://hobbybrauer.de/modules.php?name=eBoard&file=viewthread&tid=17806 ( der Einsatz von einem Schubstangespanner)
  6. https://de.industryarena.com/forum/buch-zum-thema-spanntechnik-cnc-fraesen--63253.html (spannen beim Fräsen mittels einem Schubstangespanner)

EDELSTAHLDEPOT • Moebus Steel Design • Im Wüstfeld 21 • Germany • D-64859 Eppertshausen

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