Note on out-of-court online dispute resolution (so-called OS platform)

The online platform of the EU Commission, which serves as a contact point for the extrajudicial online settlement of disputes concerning obligations arising from contracts concluded online, can be accessed via the following link: Our contact details are:

edel+stahl DESIGN GmbH
Im Wüstfeld 21
D-64859 Eppertshausen

Phone:+49 (0) 6071 3 93 80 50
Fax:+49 (0) 6071 3 93 88 27
Mobil:+49 (0) 172 9 17 25 63 (Please remove the numbers before and after the @ - Spam protection)
Managing Director:Petra & Steffen Möbus
Registered:Amtsgericht Darmstadt, HRB 87744
VAT ID:DE265367305

According to § 36 of the German Consumer Dispute Settlement Act (VSBG), we are neither legally obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

EDELSTAHLDEPOT • Moebus Steel Design • Im Wüstfeld 21 • Germany • D-64859 Eppertshausen

Hinweis / Note
Hinweis / Note