Horizontal Clamps

Horizontal clamps are clamping elements that are realized by means of a toggle lever. Such horizontal clamps are perfectly suited for the construction or fixture construction. Steel or stainless steel is used in the manufacture of horizontal clamps.

1. Horizontal clamps
2. Our stock of horizontal clamps - buy online in our Online Shop
3. The production of horizontal clamps
4. Similar websites around the topic horizontal clamps

This article will deal exclusively with the topic of horizontal clamps. Many questions often arise, how such a horizontal clamp differs from a vertical clamp and how the mechanical construction of such manual clamping elements is exact. Thus we would like to give clarifying explanations to the technical structure and at the same time we would like to shed more light on the mode of operation of a horizontal clamp. But not only these points are important to us, we would also like to go into more detail about the materials used, as well as our stock of these clamping elements and in the last and not unimportant section, the production of horizontal clamps. How do these manual clamping elements get their name "horizontal clamps"? In principle, it is a matter of the fact that such clamps simply always work and clamp in a horizontal bearing. This means, however, that such clamping processes are always designed in relation to the mounting surface of the horizontal clamp. So let's start with the technical construction, which is a base, i.e. a kind of basic base or "frame" of the horizontal clamp. All manual operating levers are attached to this part, as well as the clamping lever or the push rod, which serve as the clamping part. The base always has holes on the frame, where the clamp can later be attached to a component or workpiece. This surface marks the starting position, if we call a horizontal clamp this, the clamping element is always to be seen in relation to the mounting surface. If the push rod of a push rod clamp or the clamping lever now moves towards the mounting surface of the base frame, this is called a horizontal clamp. However, if the movement is horizontal to the mounting surface of the base frame, it is called a vertical clamp. Basically, these clamps can be designed as push rods or as rocker arm clamps. The decisive factor here is always the direction in which the clamping element performs the clamping action. Steel is always used as the base material for such horizontal clamps. As a rule, this is provided with a surface finish so that the corrosion cannot attack so quickly. Of course, clamps can also be used as stainless steel versions. This alloy is usually V2A or V4A. V2a is usually not a problem when used in combination with drinking water. With acids and alkaline solutions, as well as salt water, however, V4A should always be used.

Our stock of horizontal clamps - buy online in our Online Shop

Horizontal clamps Stainless steel platrsic metal V2A V4AHorizontal clamps are becoming more and more popular, because such clamping elements are complex components that have to perform complicated tasks when clamping devices or components and do so effectively. It is precisely the complex design of such clamps that makes them easy to operate with the index finger and thumb. Because the demand for such elements has continued to rise in recent years, it is all the more important that the demand of the industry can also be met quickly and promptly with larger quantities. For this reason, we have also decided to expand our product range with horizontal clamps, which are available in either steel or stainless steel. We have different sizes and radio principles in stock to cover all common applications to a large extent. Thus we offer our customers in Germany and the rest of Europe the possibility to buy their horizontal clamps quickly and promptly at low prices via our online shop. Shopping has never been so easy and for this reason we have continued to work on the security of our website and some time ago we changed the whole domain to the encrypted version. All data is now securely encrypted and your data can no longer be accessed by third parties. At the same time we would also like to say a few words about the order process for horizontal tensioners and all other products. If you now read this text, you are already in the right category of horizontal clamps. You can now take your time to look at all our different clamps and choose the right one for you and then simply add it to your shopping cart in the quantity you require. After this order section you can now create your customer account and enter your data, which we need for the shipping of the clamps. Also the delivery address and the billing address can be different. If you now have all your horizontal clamps and the other products made of steel or stainless steel in your shopping cart and you would like to complete your order now, follow the shop instructions and their buttons. After a few clicks, you will come to the payment selection options. Choose the right one for you and pay the outstanding amount. The goods will then be assembled in our warehouse and shipped to you.

The production of horizontal clamps

Horizontal clamps Stainless steel platrsic metal V2A V4AHorizontal clamps have to be manufactured first of all, so that they can be installed in industry and fitted to technical equipment. We would also like to give you an understanding of this section of the production process. Basically, horizontal clamps always consist of several parts that can be attached to a manual control element. Horizontal clamps are often push lever clamps. With the help of this example we would like to explain to you how a production is carried out. The basic housing with the mounting holes usually consists of a single cast part, as these can be manufactured economically. For this purpose, a mould must be made of wax, which must then be dipped into a kind of mud mould. In a further process in the kiln it has to be burned out hard. The wax mould inside evaporates while the shell has become very hard. Now the shell can be filled with liquid steel or stainless steel. Afterwards the finishing is done. The shear bolt is a turned part and is always produced on a CNC lathe. Often there are loaders connected to the machine, which stock the raw steel goods and feed them into the machine if required. Once the machine has been set up, production of the shear bolt can begin. The first step is to drill the hole at the front and then cut the thread for the stopper. Then the cut-off is carried out. Now the milling at the opposite side can be inserted and the cross hole for the bridge bar. The production of the bridge bar and the manual clamping lever is punched out of a steel plate by a punching machine and then bent into shape. When all individual parts for the horizontal clamp are now ready, the assembly can begin. If enough of these horizontal clamps are made of steel or stainless steel, they can be stored in our warehouse. If we receive an online order from you, we can ship your goods to you promptly.

Similar websites around the topic horizontal clamps

  1. http://de.dictindustry.com/deutsch-englisch/horizontalspanner
  2. http://de.dictindustry.com/englisch-deutsch/Horizontalspanner
  3. http://de.dictindustry.com/italienisch-deutsch/tensionamento-horizontalspanner
  4. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Toggle-clamp_manual_horizontal_3D_closed.png-horizontalspanner
  5. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Toggle-clamp_manual_horizontal_3D_closed.png-horizontalspanner

EDELSTAHLDEPOT • Moebus Steel Design • Im Wüstfeld 21 • Germany • D-64859 Eppertshausen

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