Eye Tensioners

Eye tensioners are tensioners that are used to securely lash a shroud. Eye tensioners also belong to the category of maritime articles. One side can be fastened to a secure attachment and the other end to a steel cable. Stainless steel is an absolute must due to its contact with water!

1. Eye Tensioners
2. The construction of stainless steel Eye tensioners
3. The function of a Eye tensioners
4. The different mounts on the Eye tensioners
5. Our stock range of eye tensioners - Buy online in our Online Shop
6. The production of Eye tensioners
7. Similar websites to the topic Stainless steel eye tensioners

Eye tensioners? Surely you have heard this term before, but you are not really aware of what a Eye tensioner should be, let alone what it can or should be used for? You can't imagine the function of a Eye tensioners. Of course, there are Eye tensioners made of stainless steel for a wide variety of mounting types. We would also like to give you an idea of the exact structure of Eye tensioners. We would also like to introduce you to the materials from which the Eye tensioners can be made and our product range will also show you which types of stainless steel Eye tensioners we provide for our customers. The last section will also deal with how Eye tensioners or individual parts are manufactured and how they can be produced cost-effectively on modern machines. Eye tensioners are nowadays more and more often to be found on boats and yachts, because there the "standing structures", i.e. the masts of boats and yachts, can be erected with the Eye tensioners and firmly lashed down. Due to their construction, these parts take over the tensioning functions in order to hold the masts securely even in high wind conditions and wind loads. But not only the sailboats need such Eye tensioners, but also in many other areas, as in the construction of railings, the Eye tensioners are used to guide intermediate wire ropes safely through the railings and then to tension them safely at the ends. Only Eye tensioners are able to carry out such tensions. Eye tensioners can tension and also relax without having to destroy the ropes or steel lines. A detachable and perfect connection to carry out all conceivable possibilities of tensioning. Since Eye tensioners are only used from the high seas or in fence construction and are constantly exposed to the weather, they should defy the weather and not necessarily rust. Therefore, it is almost always the case that the Eye tensioners are made exclusively of stainless steel as a V4A version or even of V2A as not resistant to salt water. But now we start with the construction of Eye tensioners.

The construction of stainless steel Eye tensioners

Eye Tensioners Stainless SteelIn order to understand how a Eye tensioner works, we first want to look at the structure. Basically, one can say that a stainless steel Eye tensioner always consists of at least three single elements, so that the function can also be guaranteed. To name the main element, we start by introducing you to the central element, i.e. the basic body of the Eye tensioner. This basic body or also the sleeves at the Eye tensioner are called. This sleeve is the connecting element, which is the two outer parts that can be screwed into the turnbuckle on the right and left. The sleeve on the Eye tensioner is constructed in such a way that it is thicker in the middle and tapers towards the ends. The sleeve is hollow in the middle and usually has a hole in the center that passes through both sleeve walls. The two pointed ends of the sleeve at the Eye tensioner are provided with a long thread. One thread has a metric right-hand thread and the other end has a metric left-hand thread. In these ends with the thread there are the thread receptacles with the different receptacles. The hole in the centre of the sleeve for the Eye tensioner is used exclusively to allow the basic body to be turned around its own axis during the clamping function.

The function of a Eye tensioners

So that a Eye tensioner can also fulfil the safe tensioning function, everyone should also understand the function exactly. Now that you know the exact structure of a turnbuckle, we would like to go into the actual function in more detail. The most important part is still the basic body. At each end there is a thread clamping device with the right-hand thread and at the other end there is also a threaded part with a left-hand thread. If now the two threaded parts are screwed a few turns at both ends into the basic body, then the one-time clamping function can begin. Since there is a right-hand and a left-hand thread, a screwdriver can be inserted into the bore of the sleeve of the basic body to slowly turn it in the direction where both threaded screws slowly screw into the basic body at the ends. The tensioning process with the shroud tensioner begins. Now screw in the threaded pieces at the ends further and further into the basic body, i.e. the sleeve. The distance between the ends of the threaded pieces now becomes less and less, the shroud tensioner fulfils its tensioning function. If ropes or other elements are attached to it, the Eye tensioner begins to tension them cleanly. The load on the Eye tensioner can be extremely high without it breaking or suffering any damage. A release is also possible, simply turn the sleeve of the Eye tensioner in the opposite direction, then the Eye tensioner relieves both ends again.

Our stock range of eye tensioners - Buy online in our Online Shop

Eye Tensioners Stainless SteelSince a Eye tensioner consists almost exclusively of a basic body, the sleeve, and the thread holders are screwed in at the ends, these holders can also have completely different holders to be attached to certain ropes or chains or rings. Now we want to start with the Eye tensioner with two forks at the ends. These fork holders are equipped in such a way that a fork is attached to the left and right side of the Eye tensioner. The forks are thus equipped with a bolt that passes through both fork bridges. All kinds of things can be hung there. But it is also possible to get the Eye tensioner with a fork holder and a terminal. For example, ropes can also be firmly pressed into an attached terminal. At the other end there is a fork. Or the Eye tensioner with a toggle. This toggle can then simply compensate for mistakes or changes of direction by means of the additional joint. Or the Eye tensioner with two rope tensioners at the ends. Stainless steel wire ropes can then simply be screwed into these rope tensioners and can also be tightened by turning the Eye tensioner. Or the Eye tensioner with a ring at the end or a hook. These combinations are also available from us. As a thread at the Eye tensioner mostly M5, resp. M6 or M8 as also M10 or M12 are used.

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Since Eye tensioners are also used in the commercial sector and increasingly also in the private sector, the demand for such tensioning elements is naturally also increasing. In plain language, this means that Eye tensioners can be used more and more often in all imaginable shots, especially in boat building or railing construction. For these reasons, more and more online shops have to provide such Eye tensioners in sufficient quantities in order to meet the increasing demand. So that we would also like to fulfil this wish for stainless steel Eye tensioners for our customers, we have searched to find a suitable supplier who can offer such parts in the required quality. This search turned out to be not easy and so we were able to identify two suppliers who have high quality standards and can produce such Eye tensioners made of stainless steel, high-gloss. We have been selling these for some time now via our online shop at a reasonable price and thus our customers can buy the Eye tensioners at a reasonable price via the online shop. So that the purchase can also run safely, your stored data must also be stored securely and can be transmitted to our merchandise management system in encrypted form. This is the only way to ensure that the data can be accessed by third parties. We would also like to give you a brief insight into how an optimal and fast process should be so that you can quickly reach your Eye tensioners. In order to buy the turnbuckles, it is of course a prerequisite that you find us. This circumstance must result, so that you enter over a search machine and the necessary search word at stainless steel Eye tensioners and the search machine suggests to you our web page. You click on the link and are then directly in the right category of Eye tensioners. You can then take your time to look at all the different types of Eye tensioners and choose the one that is best for you. You can now select the quantity and then simply put everything in the shopping basket. Afterwards you can continue shopping for other products or complete your order. To complete your order, you can now create an account. Now you deposit all your data. Now you can go back to the shopping cart and after a few more clicks simply complete the order by paying. If the payment was successful, you will receive an order confirmation and proof of how many stainless steel Eye tensioners you have just purchased.

The production of Eye tensioners

In the last section we would like to take a closer look at how such clamping elements made of stainless steel can be manufactured today. We would like to start by explaining in more detail how such stainless steel Eye tensioners can be produced economically and cost-effectively on modern machines. Basically it can be said that Eye tensioners consist of three parts. The actual sleeve, the base body and the two thread holders, which can be designed as terminals or forks or as threads. As these are round parts, an economic production is almost exclusively carried out on a CNC lathe. Such lathes are equipped with a CNC system, so that short set-up times come to bear and the production can take place exactly. A loader is always connected so that night shift operation is possible. This is then equipped with the correct stainless steel round material. Once the machine is finished, production can begin. Now the stainless steel strands are drawn into the chuck of the CNC machine and the through holes are filled. The cones can then be attached to the sleeve on both sides and the cross hole can be drilled in the centre of the sleeve. Then the tapped hole is made on one side with the metric thread as right-hand thread and opposite as left-hand thread. Now the sleeve of the Eye tensioner can be tapped and polished. Now the second part takes place, which produces the threaded bolts for both sides. Once enough individual parts have been produced, the finished Eye tensioners can be assembled. The right-left thread combinations are screwed together and everything is ready for polishing. Afterwards these parts come into our stock and can be bought by you via online shop. Then the dispatch takes place and after some days you should have the Eye tensioners in your mailbox.


Similar websites to the topic Stainless steel eye tensioners

  1. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spannschloss-Wantenspanner
  2. https://forum.yacht.de/archive/index.php/t-149059.html-Wantenspanner
  3. http://www.linkfang.de/wiki/Wantenspanner
  4. https://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/wantenspanner
  5. https://www.segeln-forum.de/board1-rund-ums-segeln/board33-tipps-tricks-refit/66365-welche-wantenspanner/
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EDELSTAHLDEPOT • Moebus Steel Design • Im Wüstfeld 21 • Germany • D-64859 Eppertshausen

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