Terrace Screws
Terrace screws are used exclusively for terrace construction. Terrace screws can be screwed quickly and efficiently into the wooden planks using a cordless screwdriver.
1. Terrace screws
2. Our stock program of terrace screws - buy online in our online shop
3. The production of terrace screws
4. Similar websites around the topic terrace screws
Our stock program of terrace screws - buy online in our online shop
As more and more hardwood terraces or wooden decks are being built in Germany and the rest of Europe, the demand for stainless steel or steel terrace screws is also increasing. Of course, this is not all without reason, because terraces made of high-quality wood are becoming more and more popular. Of course, the people who want to build the terraces or the companies that build and assemble these terraces could also say, ok, we can also use normal wood screws? Of course this is possible, but you have to keep in mind that the terrace screws were developed specifically to screw together the decking boards and the other wooden elements quickly and safely. Of course, it is also in the interest of the installers to carry out the work professionally and to have the right screw at hand for these measures, which meets all the requirements that are placed on a terrace screw. We have therefore decided to include this type of screw in our range of products, so that you can buy not only terrace screws or patio screws from us, but also all the other screws you need in the connection technology. So we have filled up our stock to be able to deliver all kinds and materials of terrace screws promptly after an online order. With our online shop we offer you the possibility to buy the terrace screws you need quickly and cheaply from us around the clock. In order to make the purchase secure, we have decided to convert the entire website to secure SSL encryption, which offers many advantages in data storage and encryption. It is no longer possible to access your sensitive data that you have stored with us when you purchase your terrace screws. While we are on the subject of security, please let us also briefly explain how a purchase via our online shop should be made quickly and securely. May we welcome you, like most of our customers, because you have found us by using the search word "terrace screws" in the search engines? A warm welcome! If you are now on our website, you now have the opportunity to order your terrace screws quickly and easily from us. Now find all the hardwood screws you need and put them in the shopping cart in the quantity you require. When this order section is completed, you now have the possibility to create your customer account with us and store all data securely. Do you have all goods and products in your basket and you would like to pay now and complete the purchase now? Then simply follow the further instructions of the shopping cart and you will now be forwarded to the optional selection of payment options. You now have the possibility to choose your payment system and complete the payment. If the purchase was successful, you will receive an order confirmation by e-mail and you will get an overview of all purchased terrace screws. The order will now be processed in our warehouse and shipped to you.
The production of terrace screws
Many people build their terraces with a beautiful type of wood. That makes a lot of impression! No question about it, but in order to create a durable connection that resists corrosion, the right terrace screws must be screwed in. We offer you these in our online shop, so that you can quickly find the right screws for your building project. Of course, many people are familiar with terrace construction screws or terrace screws, but very few people know exactly how these screws can be manufactured? We have also thought about this and decided that we would like to give you an insight into how this type of screw can be produced on modern machines, so that you can also learn about the production. Of course screws must also be produced on CNC screw machines. This is because economy and speed play an important role in today's production of terrace screws, as this can reduce costs and at the same time increase quality. These CNC screwing machines are specially designed to have a machining chuck in which most of the machining processes involved in the production of decking screws take place. Outside there is always the storage drum or the loader, depending on the thickness of the bar. These raw material bars, which have the core shaft diameter of the later terrace screw diameters, are pulled into the machine when production starts and the raw wire is started to be cut to the desired length. Then the countersunk head of the terrace screw is upset by means of a pre-upsetting device. Once this stage of production is complete, the drive with the Torx is pressed into the head of the screws. Now the drilling unit is ground in at the tip of the screw and the tip on the shaft is formed so that the screw can later be screwed into the wood without pre-drilling. What is now missing is the coarse wood thread, which is the rolling of the thread in a further work step in the production of terrace screws. The thread is now held between two hardened thread rollers and the thread is rolled in under high pressure. When this stage is completed during the production of the terrace screws, the screws are cleaned and freed of oil residues. Once everything is completed, the finished terrace screws can be stored as units in our warehouse and wait until you place an order via the online shop, so that the screws can then be packed and shipped to you.
Similar websites around the topic terrace screws
- https://www.bauexpertenforum.de/threads/unterschiede-terrassenschrauben.24449/
- https://www.reidl.de/wiki/index.php/Terrassenbauschrauben
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spax_(Schraube-Terassenschrauben)